Undercover: One of These Things is Almost Like The Others

Undercover: One of These Things is Almost Like The Others

Undercover: One of These Things is Almost Like The Others

Un enfoque inteligente y sorprendente de la categorización y el arte del disfraz.Los lectores buscarán el extraño en cada página de este elegante libro ilustrado de 64 páginas, rep... Leer descripción completa
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Sobre el autor: Contraire, Bastien

Bastien Contraire is the co-founder of Papier Gaché, an independent publisher of fanzines and art books. His work in design encouraged him to explore numerous hands-on art techniques, leading him to discover the stencil-print technique he uses for this book and his previous books Undercover and Animals Hide and Sneak, also published by Phaidon. Contraire lives in Paris.

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