15 títulos para "Luca Cristini Editore"

1 - 10 de más de 15 resultados para "luca cristini editore"
  • Voluntarios extranjeros y Brigadas Internacionales de la Guerra Civil (1936-39)

    Mugnai, Bruno


    “Fue en España donde mi generación aprendió que uno puede tener razón y ser vencido, que la fuerza puede destruir el alma, y que a veces el coraje no obtiene recompensa.”               &nbsp...

    38.72€ (37.23€ sin IVA)
    38.72€ (37.23€ sin IVA)
    No disponible
  • Michael Wittmann

    Massimiliano Afiero


    Michael Wittmann (Vogelthal, 22 April 1914 - Caen, 8 August 1944) was a famous officer of the Waffen-SS, he is considered one of the most legendary and combative tank commanders of the Second World War. He achieved his tactical masterpiece immediately after the Allied landings in Normandy on 13 June...

    31.91€ (30.68€ sin IVA)
    31.91€ (30.68€ sin IVA)
    No disponible
  • Michael Wittmann

    Afiero, Massimiliano


    Michael Wittmann (Vogelthal, 22 aprile 1914 - Caen, 8 agosto 1944) Fu un famoso ufficiale delle Waffen-SS, è considerato uno dei più leggendari e combattivi comandanti di carri armati della seconda guerra mondiale. realizzò il suo capolavoro tattico, subito dopo lo sbarco degli...

    23.85€ (22.93€ sin IVA)
    23.85€ (22.93€ sin IVA)
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  • Uniforms of Russian army in the era of ancient Tzar

    Cristini, Luca Stefano / Viskovatov, Aleksandr Vasilevich


    Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the years from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries. The Viskovat...

    49.58€ (47.67€ sin IVA)
    49.58€ (47.67€ sin IVA)
    Disponibilidad media
  • Giacomo Costantino Beltrami

    Cristini, Luca Stefano / Durand, Mario Nadir


    Il Livingstone bergamasco Giacomo Costantino Beltrami (Bergamo, 1779 - Filottrano, 1855) mitico esploratore e patriota italiano. Furono proprio le sue doti di esploratore, unite ad un incredibile coraggio e spirito d'avventura, a permettergli di scoprire le sorgenti del fiume Mississippi, dove nessu...

    36.58€ (35.17€ sin IVA)
    36.58€ (35.17€ sin IVA)
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  • I soldati della divisione "Testa di morto"

    Peruffo, Alberto


    La SS Totenkopfdivision fu tra le Waffen SS (SS combattenti) la più fanatica e motivata unità della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Nate come guardiani dei campi di concentramento si convertirono presto in unità di combattimento distinguendosi nel corso della guerra come io vigili del fuoco di Hitler, inte...

    38.27€ (36.80€ sin IVA)
    38.27€ (36.80€ sin IVA)
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  • Dutch & Imperial soldiers

    Cristini, Luca Stefano / Van Breen, Adam


    The military evolutions of the Prince of Nassau in the art of Adam van breen and Hendrick Goltzius. The famous German-Dutch artists Adam Van Breen & Hendrick Goltzius put his considerable talents to work also in the realization of several esign on military subjets . The Adam van Breen illustrated wo...

    48.43€ (46.57€ sin IVA)
    48.43€ (46.57€ sin IVA)
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  • The Landsknechts

    Cristini, Luca Stefano / Durand, Mario Nadir


    The German Landsknechte (German plural, singular Landsknecht), meaning "servants of the land", were colourful mercenary soldiers with a redoubtable reputation, who took over the Swiss forces' legacy and became the most formidable military force of the late 15th and throughout 16th cent...

    29.71€ (28.57€ sin IVA)
    29.71€ (28.57€ sin IVA)
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  • Eserciti dei Ducati di Toscana e di Lucca

    Cristini, Luca Stefano / Cenni, Quinto


    Il Granducato di Toscana fu uno Stato indipendente esistito dal 1569 al 1859, sotto la dinastia dei Medici prima e degli Asburgo-Lorena poi. Durante tale periodo il Granducato di Toscana riuscì a conservare la propria indipendenza e a svilupparsi fino a essere uno degli stati più prosperi e moderni...

    48.52€ (46.65€ sin IVA)
    48.52€ (46.65€ sin IVA)
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  • Lucknow 1857

    Inglis, Julia Selina


    Blood curdling account of the Seige of Lucknow in 1857 India. A fascinanting and shockingly testimony. This is the personal diary of Julia Selina Inglis, the wife of Major-General Sir John Eardley Inglis, who commanded the British troops at the Siege of Lucknow in 1857 in India during the mutiny and...

    44.16€ (42.46€ sin IVA)
    44.16€ (42.46€ sin IVA)
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  • The incredible Nadir's world 1

    Durand, Nadir


    Doodle&Art book presents a series of beautiful practical colouring books for Kids & Adults realized by the Italian artist Nadir Durand. Art Therapy helps you heal yourself by getting creative; the Art of Meditative Drawing brings deep relaxation! A nice adventure and a beautiful creative gift for in...

    12.16€ (11.69€ sin IVA)
    12.16€ (11.69€ sin IVA)
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  • The Exercise of Armes

    De Gheyn, Jacob


    The celebrated Dutch artist Jacob de Gheyn (1565-1625) put his considerable talents to work in this 1608 masterpiece, one of the earliest and most famous manuals of arms ever published. Eited in several language, it appear in Holland with the first title of Wapenhandelinghe van Roers, Musquetten end...

    50.24€ (48.31€ sin IVA)
    50.24€ (48.31€ sin IVA)
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