27 títulos para "Santiago Rose Mary"

1 - 10 de más de 27 resultados para "santiago rose mary"
  • La esposa del granjero

    Shah, Idries / Santiago, Rose Mary


    La Esposa del Granjero y la manera en que saca la manzana del hoyo de la tierra es uno de los muchos cuentos Sufis para ninos. Durante mas de mil anos este cuento ha entretenido a gente joven que al unirse en un canto recitan este cuento acumulativo, y al mismo tiempo, aprenden las valiosas leccione...

    9.38€ (9.02€ sin IVA)
    9.38€ (9.02€ sin IVA)
    No disponible
  • El muchachito listo y el terrible y peligroso animal

    Shah, Idries / Santiago, Rose Mary


    Cuando un chico visita otro pueblo, se sorprende al ver que la gente esta aterrorizada por algo que — como nunca habian visto antes — creen ser un terrible y peligroso animal. Usando su conocimiento y demostracion, el chico los ayuda a sobreponerse al miedo. Esta historia es parte de un...

    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    No disponible
  • El hombre maleducado

    Shah, Idries / Santiago, Rose Mary


    Esta historia es acerca de un hombre que tenía malos modales, de cómo un niño inicia un plan para cambiar su conducta, y de cómo, con la ayuda de todos los aldeanos, tiene éxito. El cuento hará reír a los pequeños y, al mismo tiempo, les ense&n...

    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    No disponible
  • The Farmer's Wife

    Shah, Idries / Santiago, Rose Mary


    The story of The Farmer's Wife tells how a woman first loses an apple in a hole in the ground, and then attempts a series of efforts to get it back. Children enjoy learning to repeat the sequence from memory, and when the story takes a sudden turn, contrary to all expectations, they also learn i...

    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    Disponibilidad media
  • The Clever Boy and a Terrible, Dangerous Animal

    Shah, Idries / Santiago, Rose Mary


    When a boy visits another village, he is amazed to find the townspeople terrified of something that — just because they have not seen it before — they mistake for a terrible, dangerous animal. With his own knowledge and by demonstration, the boy helps them overcome their fears. This...

    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    Disponibilidad media
  • La Femme du fermier

    Shah, Idries/Santiago, Rose Mary


    L'histoire de La Femme du fermier raconte comment une femme qui a laiss? tomber sa pomme dans un trou tente de la r?cup?rer par divers moyens. Les enfants prennent plaisir ? r?citer de m?moire la s?quence des ?v?nements, et, quand soudain il se passe quelque chose ? quoi on ne s'attendait pas du tou...

    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    Disponibilidad media
  • The Man with Bad Manners - El hombre maleducado

    Shah, Idries / Santiago, Rose Mary


    This story is about a badly behaved man and how a young boy initiates a plan to change his behavior and, with the help of all the villagers, succeeds. It will bring laughter to young children and, at the same time, teach them valuable lessons about conflict resolution, initiative and co-operation....

    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    Disponibilidad media
  • The Clever Boy and the Terrible Dangerous Animal

    Shah, Idries / Santiago, Rose Mary


    When a boy visits another village, he is amazed to find the townspeople terrified of something that — just because they have not seen it before — they mistake for a terrible, dangerous animal. With his own knowledge and by demonstration, the boy helps them overcome their fears.  ...

    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    Disponibilidad media
  • The Farmer's Wife

    Shah, Idries / Santiago, Rose Mary


                        The story of The Farmer's Wife tells how a woman first loses an apple in a hole in the ground, and then att...

    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    Disponibilidad media
  • The Clever Boy and the Terrible, Dangerous Animal - El muchachito listo y el terrible y peligroso animal

    Shah, Idries / Santiago, Rose Mary


    When a boy visits another village, he is surprised to find the townspeople terrified of something that — just because they have not seen it before — they mistake for a terrible, dangerous animal. With his own knowledge and by demonstration, the boy helps them overcome their fears. &nbsp...

    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    Disponibilidad media
  • The Farmer's Wife

    Shah, Idries / Rose Mary , Santiago


    The story of The Farmer's Wife tells how a woman first loses an apple into a hole in the ground, and then attempts a series of efforts to get it back. Children enjoy learning to repeat the sequence from memory, and when the story takes a sudden turn, contrary to all expectations, they also learn...

    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    Disponibilidad media
  • Der Mann mit den schlechten Manieren

    Shah, Idries/Santiago, Rose Mary


    Diese Geschichte handelt von einem Mann mit sehr schlechten Manieren und von einem Jungen, der einen Plan hat, das Verhalten des Mannes zu ?ndern, und diesen Plan mit der Hilfe der anderen Dorfbewohner erfolgreich umsetzt.Kindern gef?llt nat?rlich die Vorstellung von einem Erwachsenen mit schlechten...

    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    11.00€ (10.58€ sin IVA)
    Disponibilidad media